Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts can be in the form of research results, literature studies, or other scientific writings such as the application of theories, conceptual ideas and studies that discuss important and interesting issues about language, literature, and cultural studies
  2. The manuscript must be original and has never been published in other media.
  3. The script uses Indonesian or standard English.
  4. Paper size using A4 (21x 29 cm) is typed with 3 cm left margin, 2.5 cm top, bottom and right margin, while the header is 2 cm and footer is 1.6 cm.
  5. The title is typed in capital letters in the middle of the page and the font type Times New Roman 11 Bold.
  6. The author's name is written without a glass and typeface Times New Roman 11 and is equipped with an e-mail address.
  7. The abstract is written before the Introduction Chapter in the paragraph (maximum 250 words) with a spacing of 1 Times New Roman and is equipped with keywords.
  8. Subtitles are written in capital letters with the type Times New Roman 11 Bold.
  9. The manuscript is written in Times New Roman 11 space 1 in the following order: Introduction, Content (containing literary review, research methods, and discussion), conclusions, and suggestions, and Bibliography.
  10. Manuscripts in the form of literature and scientific studies, the format of the writing is the same except for the content (contains on studies or theories and analysis).
  11. You are strongly encouraged to use at least 10 references from journal articles. The references, as well as in-text citation, must be written in APA 6th editions format. Please use reference manager software (i.e. Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote). Otherwise, you need to make sure that each reference is cited properly in the body text, and vice versa.

  12. Each article must have a list of references (references) arranged in alphabetical order.
  13. Submission of softcopy in the form of sent to the Editor PROLOGUE Journal with the address of the Faculty of Letters, English Literature Study Program Balikpapan University, Balikpapan, Jl. Pupuk Raya No.1 Balikpapan Telp 081228711704/08164581166 or email: [email protected]
  14. The editor has the right to edit the editorial without changing the substance and content of the writing outside the editor's responsibility.
  15. Manuscripts that are submitted will be evaluated for eligibility by the Editorial board.